KL8 Air-Power Unit

Instrument Air and Power for Remote Oil and Gas Facilities

The KL8 Air-Power Unit combines proven technologies into an innovative, reliable, and economic solution for remote oil and gas facility instrument air and power needs.

Eliminates natural gas venting of pneumatic instruments currently powered by methane.

Up to 10 scfm dry instrument air at 100 psig
Up to 1.5 kW electrical power at 24 volt DC

Remote monitoring, trending and control made possible with a modern, web-based RTU control platform.

Powered by clean burning natural gas or propane.

Optional glycol heat trace supply up to 47,000 Btu/hr.

Flexible skid and building integration to meet your needs.

99.6% CO2e Emissions Reduction


8 hp industrial grade
Natural gas powered
4,000 hr maintenance cycle
40,000 hr service life


17.5 cfm heavy duty
2-stage, intercooled
Pressure lubricated
20,000 hr service life


3.3 kW at 24 volt DC
Brushless, Fan Cooled
20,000 hr Service Life

Typical C02 Reduction

Current C02 Equivalent Emissions — 1388 ton/year
New C02 Equivalent Emissions — 16 ton/year
Total C02 Reduction — 1372 ton/year
C02 Credit Rate — $40/ton

Yearly Credit — $55,300 /year
Estimated Carbon Abatement Cost — $10 /ton